Friday, March 15, 2013

Chapter 3


Chapter 3

In  a  fish  net  tank  top,  Dren  stood  in  front  of  her  bedroom  mirror,  staring  at  her  reflexion  then  lifting  her  hand  to  slowly  touch  it,  but  it  cracked  when  her  fingers  were  too  close.  She  flinched,  retreating  her  hand  then  rubbing  the  back  of  her  neck,  sighing.  Luckily  it  wasn't  a  huge  crack  like  last  time;  when  her  body  was  no  longer  stable  from  another  force.  Dren  walked  to  her  bed,  grabbing  a  white  vest  and  putting  it  on.  There  was  an  over sized  sword  resting  against  the  corner  by  the  door.  People  often  wonder  how  such  a  small  girl  can  carry  the  weapon  with  ease.  Even  some  boys  offered  to  carry  it  for  her,  but  Dren  knew  better.  If  they  were  to  run  off  with  it,  they  wouldn't  get  far.  They  forget  what  she  is  sometimes,  she  guesses.  Dren  eyed  the  sword  but  thought  otherwise  that  she  wouldn't  need  it  and  left  her  apartment.

She  walked  down  the  street,  it  was  all  sand  with  patches  of  grass  here  and  there  though,  no  roads  or  anything  of  that  sort,  everyone  had  to  walk  to  their  destination  around  this  place,  or  take  the  train  to  other  cities.  The  streets  weren't  quite  that  busy  at  this  time;  people  either  had  jobs,  they  were  away,  or  just  in  their  homes.  Her  crystal  swung  slightly  on  its  necklace  around  her  waist  with  each  step.

Up  ahead,  a  familiar  figure  was  coming  in  her  direction.  As  they  got  closer,  she  could  make  out  the  black  shaded  bang  cut  hair  that  glinted  a  midnight  blue  in  the  soft  sun  light;  Gen.  Her  hands  were  in  her  pockets,  her  expression  indifferent.  It  made  it  hard  for  one  to  tell  if  something  was  bothering  her.  Then  they  passed  each other,  so  close  that  their  shoulders  barely  touched.  Dren  stopped  in  her  tracks,  a  few  seconds  passed,  the  wind  blew  slightly  causing  her  hair  to  move.  When  she  turned  her  head,  she  saw  that  Gen  too  had  stopped  and  was  looking  at  her.  Dark  eyes  showing  no  emotion.

Dren  inwardly  grimaced,  clenching  her  hands  into  fists  until  her  knuckles  turned  white.

Forcing  herself  to  relax,  she  started,"  You're  Gen  right?"  The  girl  only  stared  ahead.  She  didn't  really  feel  it  was  necessary  when  Dren  already  knew  the  answer.  They  turned  their  bodies  to  face  each other  dead  on.  It  was  as  if  Gen  was  copying  her  movements.

Dren  shrugged  off  the  ignored  statement  but  carried  on,"  My  name  is  Dren  Herron,"  she  held  out  a  hand,  smiling,"  Nice  to  have  someone  new  here  in  Sun  City."  Gen  looked  at  her  hand,  debating  whether  to  shake  it  or  not,  then  freed  her  left  hand  from  her  pocket  and  grabbed  the  brunette's.

" Hn."  she  let  her  hand  drop  and  watched  Dren  carefully.

"  I  was  going  to  the  Diner  to  meet  up  with  some  friends....  You  can  come  too  if  you  don't  mind?"  her  eyes  were  almost  hopeful.

Really  Gen  just  wanted  to  get  back  home  before  her  uncle  began  to  worry.  But to  go  home  with  the  thought  of  having  made  "friends"  in  this  city  would  probably  make  him  happy  so  she  agreed  to  it.


The  Diner  was  a  nice  little  restaurant,  Gen  had  to  admit,  and  the  food  wasn't  bad  either.  The  floors  were  a  plain  pattern  of  black  and  white  tiles.  The  lights  were  dimmed,  and  there  were  many  booths  and  a  bar  in  the  center.  In  the  back  were  the  kitchens.  Gen  sat  next  to  Dren  since  she  was  the  only  one  she  was  familiar  with.  Three  other  girls  sat  across  from  them,  whom  introduced  themselves  as  Sebrina,  Sharon,  and  Kerin.

Sebrina  and  Kerin  were  talking  to  each other,  well  Sebrina  was  doing  the  most  talking,  Kerin  just  watched  with  mild,  bored  interest.  Gen  munched  on  her  flavored  bread,  watching  Kerin  closely.  There  was  something  in  her  eyes  that  was  sort  of  odd  and  hard  to  tell  under  the  dim  light.

"  Gen?"  her  eyes  snapped  to  the  person  in front  of  her.  Sebrina  placed  a  weak  smiled  on  her  face,"  What  brought  you  to  Sun  City?"

"  Something  happened  back  at  home.  So  my  Uncle  Frea  decided  it  best  to  leave."  She  ate  the  rest  of  her  bread  for  once  feeling  content.

Sharon  asked,"  Really?  What  happened?"

Dren  was  about  to  scold  her  for  being  in  other  people's  business  but  Gen  answered,"  I  don't  really  want  to  talk  about  it."  she  gripped  her  glass  of  water,  bringing  it  to  her  lips  then  drinking  it.

"  Do  you  have  any  siblings?"  Gen  glared  at  Sebrina  briefly  before  cooling  her  features  again.  She  wished  this  subject  wasn't  such  a  sensitive  one  for  her.

"  I... Have  a  brother.  That's  it,"  she  knew  they  would  question  her  more  so  she  went  on  with  it," but  he  doesn't  stay  with  us.  He  joined  a  secret  organization."  her  brows  furrowed  in  frustration,  the corner  of  her  lip  twitched  into  a  half  smile.  And  that's  all  you  need  to  know...  she  thought  as  she  rose  up.

"  Thanks  for  letting  me  come  here  with  you,  Dren.  I'm  sorry  but  I  have  to  get  home  before  my  uncle  think  something's  happened  to  me."  she  tried  to  look  apologetic  and  reached  into  her  pocket  to  pull  out  her  share  of  money  for  the  meal.  Before  anymore  hesitation,  she  turned  on  her  heels  and  began  walking  to  the  door,  ignoring  the  farewells  from  behind  her.

Once  she  was  outside,  Gen  inhaled  deeply.  The  air  here  was  pleasant  considering  all  of  the  trees  around  the  city.  Lunar  City  had  a  decent  atmosphere  as  well  but  thinking  about  that  place  only  made  her  suffocate.


Hana  punched,  kicked,  jumped,  and  tried  to  do  combinations  of  each.  She  and  her  father  were  training  in  the  training  room  that  was  connected  to  the  first  house  of  the  Matino  Compound.  Jerard  stood  back  watching  near  the  wall  in  his  black  kimono.

"  You're  footing  is  off,  Hana.  You're  not  focused."  her  father  said  with  warning  in  his  tone  as  he  blocked  her  hits.  Hana  wore  black  yoga  pants  that  hugged  at  her  ankles  with  a  black  fitting  t  shirt.  She  ran  to  her  father  to  be  only  blown  back  by  a  force  coming  from  his  purple  flamed  hands.  Hana  grunted  when  she  landed  hard  on  her  side  then  immediately  stood  back  on  her  feet.

The  purple  flames  returned  to  her  hands,  the  crystal  around  her  neck  glowed  angrily  at  anyone  who  dared  to  look  directly  at  it.  She  charged  again,  jumped  in  the  air  lifting  her  right  arm  with  a  balled  flaming  fist  and  stuck  at  her  father.  He  swiftly  dodged  it  by  moving  back  a  few  step.  Hana  landed  on  her  feet  momentarily  before  leaping  forward  striking  with  her  left  hand  with  a  "hah"  escaping  her  mouth.  The  man  launched  out  his  palm  pushing  her  arm  away  and  turned  sideways  to  kick  her  in  the  stomach.  Hana  fell  again  coughing  from  the  wind  being  knocked  out  of  her.

Jerard's  eyebrow  twitched,  holding  back  his  need  to  intervene.  Her  father  never  showed  mercy  whenever  in  training  sessions.

"  We  will  continue  this  some  other  time.  You  need  to  build  up  your  speed  as  well."  He  glanced  down  at  her,  making  the  flames  go  away  from  his  hands,  then  exited  the  room.

Jerard  gradually  stood  and  attended  to  his  small  friend.

"  Hey,  are  you  alright?"  Hana  opened  her  eyes  to  seeing  him  leaning  over  her  from  the  side.  She  blushed  slightly,"  Yeah.  I  think  so."  He  smiled  at  her  embarrassment,  or  what  he  thought  was  embarrassment  at least,  and  grabbed  her  hand  to  help  her  up.

Both  oblivious  that  they  were  being  watched  with  white  eyes  outside  the  window.  They  couldn't  have  noticed  it,  the  thing  was  so  far  away  but  his  keen  eyes  could  see  a  great  distance.  Suddenly  it  disappeared  into  the  depths  of  the  dark  night,  and  the  city  can  sleep  peacefully  once  more.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter Two

Chapter  Two

About  a  week  later  a  hideous  day  had  fallen  upon  Sun  City.  Dark  gray  clouds  scattered  across  the  sky  waiting  to  allow  the  rain  to  break  free  from  the  heavens.  Everyone  was  wearing  black,  the  one's  who  had  attended  any who.  Hana  stood  in  the  background  outside  clutching  onto  her  weeping  mother  watching  her,  trying  not  to  express  any  emotion  but  the  tears  were  welling  up  quickly.  Her  father  placed  a  supportive  hand  on  his  wife's  shoulder  hoping  to  ease  the  crying.  Hana  turned  her  attention  to  her  friend  standing  in front  of  the  open  casket  and  sorrow  swelled  inside  her  heart.

Jerard  stood  facing  down  at  his  lifeless  mother  once  more  before  they  closed  it  to  lower  her  down  into  the  ground.  Sun  City  leader, Leader  Nahum,  paid  his  respects  attending  the  funeral  made  his  way  to  Jerard's  side.

He  hadn't  noticed  until  he  said,"  Your  mother  was  a  good  woman.  Nina  will  most  certainly  be  missed."  and  rested  his  hand  on  the  boy's  shoulder.  He  looked  up  at  the  older  man  wanting  to  smile  but  couldn't  get  himself  to  doing  so.

"  Leader  Nahum..."  he  looked  away  closing  his  eyes  as  betraying  tears  freed  themselves,  cascading  down  his  cheeks  and  the  bridge  of  his  nose  only  to  fall  on  his  mother's  face.  Nahum  carefully  grabbed  the  boy's  hands  embracing  him,  allowing  him  to  cry  into  his  chest.  He  motioned  his  hand  to  two  of  the  gravediggers  to  begin  lowering  the  casket.

"  Listen  to  me  Jerard,"  he  began  softly,"  she  might  be  gone  physically  but  she  will  always  be  with  you.  Nina  loved  you,  remember  that.  Okay?"  Jerard  lifted  his  head  slightly  to  nod," Y-yes  sir..."

Nahum  patted  his  head  and  told  him  before  leaving,"  Take  care  of  yourself.  I'm  here  whenever  you  need  me."  He  watched  him  leave  for  a  second  before  looking  over  at  Sharon,  who  was  still  crying  into  her  tissue  with  Sebrina  rubbing  her  back,  Dren,  and  Kerin.  A  woman  walked  up  to  him  whom  he  quickly  recognized  as  Hana's  mother,  Elise.  Her  eyes  were  sort  of  red  and  her  cheeks  were  flushed.

" Honey,  you're  mother  asked  me  to  do  something  for  her,  a  favor  if  I  may.  It's  your  decision  but  if  you  want  to  move  into  the  Matino  compound,  then  you  can."  Jerard  searched  her  eyes,  his  widened  in  realization  that  his  mother  was  really  gone.  He  never  knew  his  father,  he  died  long  ago  when  he  was  about  two  years  old;  he  was  orphaned.  His  father  left  him  and  now  his  mother,  they  both  abandoned  him.  Slight  anger  began  to  boil  up  inside  him  unknowingly  activating  his  crystal  he  had  hidden  under  his  white  dress  shirt,  how  dare  they?

A  raindrop  fell  on  his  head  bringing  him  out  of  his  almost  rage.  Stupid,  he  thought,  he  was  just  being  silly.  They  would  never  abandon  him,  he  just  didn't  know  how  to  deal  with  death  is  all.  Another  rain  drop,  he  looked  up  at  the  sky  as  more  drops  came  down.  Elise  came  prepared  with  an  umbrella,  opening  it,  it  covered  her  and  Jerard  from  the  rain.  He  looked  back  at  the  woman  remembering  what  she  said.

"  Yes,  I  would  very  much  like  to  stay  with  your  family."  Elise  smiled.  Everyone  began  to  leave.  Hana  was  elated  to  discover  her  best  friend  was  moving  in  with  her.

Three  months  later....

The  Sun  Acadamy  reopened  a  little  over  a  month  ago  declaring  that  summer  vacation  was  now  over.  Students  groaned  in  despair,  some  parents  rejoiced,  some  felt  the  same  despair  for  work  had  begun  again.  Jerard  walked  into  his  class  room  followed  by  other  fellow  classmates  and  walked  over  to  his  desk  next  to  Sharon.  He  sat  down  and  acknowledged  her.  She  wore  her  long  blonde  hair  in  a  ponytail  today.  Sharon  turned  her  head  in  his  direction  stating  that  it  wasn't  polite  to  stare.

He  blinked,"  I  was  just  admiring  your  ponytail."  Her  eyes  widened  only  a  little,  blushing, " Really?"

Jerard  smiled,"  Yeah,  I  like  it."  Sharon's  blush  darkened.  He  noticed  my  hair...and  liked  it.  She  stared  down  at  her  desk  smiling  to  herself.  Jerard  looked  out  of  the  window  taking  note  of  how  a  pretty  day  it  was  this  morning.  The  teacher  walked  in,  her  blue  hair  hanging  at  her  shoulders,  along  side  with  a  man  and  a  girl.

She  was  talking  to  the  man  briefly  then  taking  his  leave.  The  girl  examined  everyone  in  the  classroom  and  blinked.  Some  idiot  in  the  back  yelled  out,"  Ew,  not  another  Indigo!"  Jerard  snapped  his  head  towards  the  supposedly  new  student,  instantly  noticing  the  diamond  crystal  hanging  on  her  beaded  necklace.  Her  face  stayed  indifferent  as  if  not  noticing  the  rude  comment.  Jerard  was  stunned  at  how  pretty  she  was;  black  hair  with  a  possible  dark  blue  hue  ran  along  side  her  back  to  the  middle  of  it  and  a  bang  cut  above  her  eyes,  dark  eyes  almost  black,  and  pale  skin  tone.

The  teacher  scowled  the  boy  in  the  back  afterwards  forcing  a  smile,  she  said,"  Class,  this  is  Gen  Jahne,"  she  turned  to  Gen,  who  remained  unmoved,"  how  about  you  tell  the  class  a  little  about  yourself?"

She  finally  shifted  on  her  feet  and  flatly  explained,"  You  know  my  name  is  Gen  now.  I  just  turned  sixteen  two  months  ago.  I  moved  from  Lunar  City,  I  live  with  my  uncle  and  I  hate  my  brother  with  a  strong  passion."  Gen  shrugged  then  maneuvered  herself  to  an  empty  desk.  Everyone  seemed  to  be  kind  of  taken  aback  by  the  last  statement  in  that  sentence.

"Uh.."  the  teacher  mumbled  then  clapped  her  hands  together,"  Okay!  Let's  get  to  it  shall  we?"

Sharon  looked  back  at  the  hard  faced  girl  known  as  Gen  then  focused  upon  Jerard  with  a  smile,"  I  like  her."

He  hesitated  a  minute,"  I  do  too."  a  faint  blush  was  on  his  face.


The  school  day  had  ended  and  the  odd  crew - Jerard,  Hana,  Sharon,  Kerin,  Dren,  and  Sebrina -  met  up  at  the  end  of  the  stairs  to  the  front  entrance  talking  amongst  each other.

"  She's  an  Indigo,  huh?"  Dren  said.

"  I  want  to  meet  her."  Sebrina  stated  afterwards  with  her  index  finger  on  bottom  lip.  Kerin  lazily  looked  up  to  see  a  dark  haired  girl  leaving  out  of  the  double  door  holding  notebooks  securely against  her  chest.  She  cleared  her  throat,"  Is  that  her?  She  seems  to  match  your  description."  They  all  turned  their  attention  to  a  Gen  walking  down  the  steps.  Sebrina  went  through  the  crowd  of  friends  to  call  out  to  her,"  Hey-

She  seemingly  ignored  the  girl  calling  out  to  her  and  jumped  in  the  air  before  disappearing  with  a  warp  like  sound.

"  Gen..?"  Sebrina  finished  standing  there  dumbfounded.  Hana  piped  up,"  ...We  can  do  that?"


Gen  landed  on  the  tree  outside  the  window  of  her  room  and  hopped  through  it  with  ease.  She  nonchalantly  dropped  her  backpack  on  the  floor  and  walked  out  of  the  room,  down  stairs  and  to  the  kitchen  smiling  at  the  sight  of  her  Uncle  Frea  sitting  at  the  table  reading  a  book.  Carefully  leaning  on  the  door  frame,  he  looked  up  from  his  book  and  gave  his  niece  a  warm  smile.

"  How  was  your  first  day?"

"  Fine."


"  I  put  your  dinner  in  the  frig."  his  soft  voice  was  sort  of  comforting.  Even  though  his  face  was  hard  and  tired,  his  eyes  showed  compassion  and  warmth.  Sympathy  isn't  something  she  wanted  from  people,  it  was  a  sign  of  weakness,  but  he's  the  only  man  she'd  accept  it  from  for  they  shared  the  same  pain.

" Hn."  she  half  smiled  at  him.  "  I..I'll  eat  later."  A  simple  nod  was  his  reply  as  she  disappeared  back  upstairs.  Moments  later  he  heard   her  coming  back  down  wrapping  white  bandages  on  her  arm.

"  Where  are  you  going?"  As  if  he  didn't  already  know.  Gen  stopped  in  her  tracks  as  soon  as  the  words  were  spoken.  Without  meeting  his  gaze,  she  answered,"  I'm  going  to  train  more."  He  sighed  in  exasperation.   Just  as  he  was  about  to  protest,  she  was  out  the  door.  I  don't  mind  your  training...

...what  you're  training  for.

It's  only  a  matter  of  time.

Chapter One


Chapter One

A  tall  figure  stood  on  top  of  the  square  roof  top  of  a  building,  probably  about  five  feet  and  seven
inches  -  the  warm  breeze  caused  his  tousled  hair  to  sway  with  the  wind.  The  large  white
powdered  moon  shined  its  light  upon  his  face  and  what  a  handsome  fellow  he  was,  green  eyes  sparkled  matching  slightly  tan  skin  complexion.  It  was  hard  to  believe  he  was  only  sixteen.  The  man  inhaled  deeply  closing  his  eyes,  soon  jumping  into  the  night.  Normal  people  probably  wouldn't  have  done  such  thing -  if  sane  -  however,  he  wasn't  particularly  normal.  He  jumped  from  roof  top  to  roof  top  before  landing  elegantly  on  the  ground  in  the  middle  of  a  garden.

The  green  eyed  man  was  standing  before  a  two  part  mansion;  one  huge  two  story  house  with  a  big  one  story  house  partnering  beside  it.  There  was  only  thing  that  caught  his  interest,  though,  the  open  window  on  the  second  floor  with  the  light  on  and  with  one  swift  leg  movement  he  was  already  half  way  across  the  garden.  He  jumped  at  the  window.


The  greeting  he  had  got  wasn't  what  he  expected  but  was prepared  anyway,  she  was  too  predictable.  A  hand  in  chopping  position  was  inches near  his  neck  with  a  purple  transparent  flame  covering  it  to  the  wrist.  He  too  had  his  hand  in  the  same  position  by  the  girl's  neck  but  with  a  light  blue  flame.  At  first  they  stared  intensely  into  each other's  eyes.

She  had  a  deep  set  brown  eyes,  long  dark  hair  and  a  soft  featured  pale  face.

"  One  move,"  she  started,"  and  I  end  your  life."

He  smirked,"  Then  we'll  both  die,  huh?"  The  girl  was  on  her  knees  on  her  bed  as  the  man  towered  over  her  from  the  window.  Her  brows  lowered  and  lips  parted,"  Why  are  you  here...?"  Their  position  never  changed,  his  eyes  switched  from  one  brown  orb  to  the  next.

"  You,"  he  said  simply,"  I  came  for  you."  The  crystal  diamond  on  the  end  of  her  necklace  was  glowing  the  same  color  as  her  hands.  Wondering  eyes  went  to  the  glowing  crystal  hanging  from  the  boy's  necklace,  just  as  quick,  her  arm  was  caught  in  his  free  hand's  grasp  making  her  eyes  flicker  up  at  his  grinning  face.  She  had  let  her  guard  down.  The  purple  flame  ceased  in  defeat.

"  Tsk,  tsk.  Hana.  It's  not  good  to  get  distracted  not  even  for  a  second.  Surely  Mr.  Matino  taught  you  that."  his  grip  on  her  did  not  loosen  until  he  threw  her  to  the  floor  off  the  bed.

"  Jerard,  bastard.  That  hurt."  she  grunted  raising  to  her  feet.  Jerard  sat  cross  legged  on  her  bed  shaking  his  head  before  giving  her  a  slight  smile.  That's  new,  she's  never  called  me  that.  A  thirteen  year  old  calling  me  a  bastard.  Hmph.

"  Ready  to  go  to  the  the  dragon  festival?"  her  face  lit  up.


Jerard  had  given  Hana  the  time  to  change  into  her  black  and  white  striped  Japanese  kimono  while  he  just  wore  an  elbow  length  jacket,  white  shirt  and  slightly  baggy  dark  green  pants.  The  festival  was  quite  eye  catching  but  mostly  red  and  yellow  for  the  idea  of  fire  with  pictures  of  dragons  everywhere.  Hana  held  Jerard's  hand  practically  dragging  him  to  whatever  spiked  her  interest.

" Jerard!"  he  looked  around  for  the  person  that  called  for  him  and  spotted  his  friend  Sebrina  waving  for  him  to  come  over.   He  grabbed  Hana  by  the  arm  causing  the  smaller  girl  to  groan  from  being  taken  away  so  abruptly  just  to  go  see  his  friends.  Sebrina  wore  a  simple  red  kimono  with  black  flower  which  in  all  complimented  her  brown  skin,  and  a  set  of  purple  eyes.

"  Hey,  Sebrina,"  he  hugged  her  briefly,"  are  you  the  only  one  here  tonight?"  That's  right.  The  dragon  festival  lasted  for  two  to  three  days  just  so  everyone  will  get  a  chance  to  attend  if  possible.  The  purple  eyed  girl  shook  her  head,  answering,"  No,  the  others  should  be  on  their  way.  I  just  like  to  get  here  early,  you  know?"  her  eyes  went  to  the  small  figure  next  to  him  that  stood  with  a  fisted  hand  to  her  hip  looking  indifferent.  "  Hi,  Hana."

The  younger  girl  looked  up  then  looked  away,"  'sup?"  Jerard  nudged  her  shoulder  and  she  muttered  a  'what'.  Sebrina  just  brushed  it  off  giggling  lightly.  They  began  walking  together  scanning  food  stands,  gift  stands,  and  picture  stands  of  the  best  drawings  of  dragons.  Hana  was  the  first  to  notice  the  rest  of  their  friends  -  Jerard's  friends -  coming  their  way.

The  blond  one,  Sharon,  wore  an  indigo  colored  kimono.  The  darker  toned  one,  almost  like  Sebrina  if  not  the  same,  Kerin,  wore  a  green  kimono.  Her  face  holding  the  same  lazy  expression  as  it  did  her  entire  life.  Hana  could  care  less  about  either  of  them. Lastly,  a  short  haired  brunette  emerged  from  behind  them,  her  bangs  just  above  her  beautiful  brown  eyes  going  with  her  slightly  tan  pale  tone.  She  wore  a  blue  and  white  patterned  kimono  and  Hana  viewed  her  as  an  older  sister.

"  Dren!"  Hana  broke  from  Jerard  and  Sebrina  catching  their  attention,  she  ran  up  and  hugged  the  brunette.  Dren  gave  her  a  warm  smile  before  greeting  her  other  two  friends.  Jerard  was  the  first  to  speak  up,"  Hey - where's  Hunter?"  looking  directly  at  Sharon.

A  tinge  of  pink  flashed  across  her  cheeks," Um..."  her  eyes  darted  to  Kerin,  who's  expression  still  hasn't  changed,"  Kerin?"

Kerin  sighed  and  rubbed  the  back  of  her  neck  turning  her  attention  to  Jerard,"  I  tried  to  get  him  to  come,  but  he  rather  stay  at  home,"  she  lowered  her  hand,"  Too  bothersome  to  argue  so  I  just  said  'ok'  and  left."  Jerard  nodded,  he  expected  that  out  of  Hunter,  he  wasn't  the  one  for  festival  or  even  social  gatherings.  Neither  was  Kerin  so  why  was  she  there? And  in  a  kimono  at  that?  What.  Hana  tugged  at  Dren's  sleeve,"  Can  we  walk  around  now?"

Dren  looked  around  to  take  in  the  festival's  creative  view  and  said  to  everyone,"  Let's  enjoy  the  festival  you  guys.  Hunter  is  just  a  stick  in  the  mud  anyway."  she  shrugged  but  they  knew  she  didn't  mean  it.


That  pleasant  summer  night,  everyone  enjoyed  themselves  at  the  annual  dragon  festival.  Sharon  gently  grabbed  Jerard's  arm  and  pointed  up  at  the  fireworks  with  Hana  glaring  in  the  back  going  unnoticed.  Oh  what  a  night  of  celebrations  and  drunks  walking  the  streets  while  every one  was  having  fun  in  Sun  City,  some where,  not  too  far  off,  a  death  occurred.  And  a  life  was  changed  forever.